星期三, 1月 18, 2006

My auntie and my niece

Auntie, Rachel, and me were in front of their house in San Diego.

After Sunday Service

We went to church together in South Pasadena and took this picture after the service. Luke, Michelle, Yichin, and me.

My good friend Yichin

We haven't met for 6 years too! And now she has her cute baby Michelle for 20 months with her husband Luke living in South Pasadena.

The color of San Diego....

.....is blue!

Seals are sunbathing

They all lie in same direction...

Birds resting on the rock

Tropical plants

The plants here are also like those in Kenting (the southern point of Taiwan).

San Diego!!

I had a four-day trip to visit my auntie in San Diego. The weather in San Diego is warm and comfortable. And it also has a very long sea shore line which reminds me of Taiwan.

Peichen and me

We haven't seen each other for 6 years and meet again in Chicago. Isn't it amazing??

Navy Pier

Field Museum

Shedd Aquarium

Thanks for our photographer Jun. He did excellent job on these night shots!

Million night scene

The reason it's called "million" is because we have to spend millions of dollars to get here(study) and to see this night scene(sigh~~).

Chicago's million night scene

Peichen--my friend was taking a picture

Walking on the Michigan Ave in winter

Pot luck in Ena's house

Bertha, me, Bertha's brother, Ena, and Jane.

2006 Chicago Christian Conference--my pretty roommates

Good women could also become good friends!!

星期六, 1月 07, 2006

Ski in Wisconsin

My first experience of ski in the States.....it's really a LOT of fun!

星期日, 1月 01, 2006

New year's eve of 2005

This night....i had a hot pot with brothers and sisters in the church. We shared thoughts, sang songs, and played games. It's thewarmest memory in year 2005.

Winter Break~

Finally.....it's winter break! Let's enjoy the fun of coldness!