星期五, 1月 30, 2009

Last year's Thanksgiving dinner


Set design in one day's shoot


Christmas Hand bell

和嘉琦、凱哲、孫哲和戴英一起去一個大教堂聽Christmas handbell的表演。

Ice Skating!

和華寧、家和一起去Downtown的PPG Place去溜冰,有一棵大聖誕樹在中間,感覺特別有氣氛。我生平第一次溜冰喔!Steve說我還溜的不錯:)



跨年前去Phipps Conservatory

Phipps Conservatory 是 one of my favorite places in Pittsburgh. It's like a dream place filled with smells, sounds, colors, and life.

去Steve Sun家吃Tiramisu

Steve Sun is so good at making Tiramisu! We had really good time in his warm house in cold night~the first picture is the "Departed" version of Antioch cell group:)

New Year small trip to the Highland Park Lake

It's very cold but the lake looks beautiful~~It only took us around 20 minutes to the lake. 也去了公園附近的小涼亭。